Press Releases for batchoutput

  • 754

    Zevrix Deliver and Graphic Inspector Featured in TheMacBundles

    Zevrix Solutions has announced that two of its products, Deliver and Graphic Inspector, are available as part of TheMacBundles - a bundle of 12 great Mac products for just $49.95. They are also included in TheMacBundles' innovative new BYOB (Build Your Own Bundle) stores. Deliver is an automated solution to send and share files easily across the Internet and local networks. Graphic Inspector provides graphic professionals of any trade with the most exhaustive info on images

    By : | 01-28-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 754

  • 1239

    Zevrix Updates BatchOutput for Microsoft Word To Support Office 2011

    Zevrix Solutions announces BatchOutput DOC 2.1, a compatibility update to its popular output automation solution for Microsoft Word on Mac OS X. In addition to batch printing, the software allows to carry out powerful professional PDF production directly from Word eliminating the need for time consuming post-processing. Users can split Word documents into single PDF files, reduce file size and optimize image resolution and compression.

    By : | 01-27-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 1239

  • 612

    Zevrix Updates BatchOutput Server for InDesign: Adds Booklet Imposition

    Zevrix Solutions announces BatchOutput Server 4.7, a feature update to its output workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign. The software automates printing and exporting to PDF and PostScript by processing InDesign files from watched hotfolders. The software offloads printing and exporting to a central system leaving operator workstations free from the output process. The new update lets users take advantage of InDesign's imposition engine during printing and improves links

    By : | 01-20-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 612

  • 642

    Zevrix Releases Deliver Express, Automated File Delivery Solution

    Zevrix Solutions announces Deliver Express, an automated solution to send and share files easily across the Internet and local networks. Deliver Express processes files automatically from watched hot folders and offers variable e-mail notifications, delivery to multiple destinations, encryption and much more. It supports FTP, Amazon S3, MobileMe and other major services. Deliver Express can run absolutely unattended and is suitable as a company-wide server solution as well as for single

    By : | 01-12-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 642

  • 672

    Zevrix Releases BatchOutput 3.10 for Adobe InDesign, Adds Error Logging

    Zevrix Solutions announces BatchOutput 3.10, a feature update to its popular professional solution to automate printing, exporting and post-processing from Adobe InDesign. Developed originally for a major ad agency in Canada, BatchOutput offers output as single pages, link auto-update, PDF preflighting, variable file names, file delivery and other workflow automation solutions. The new update adds an option to log InDesign preflight errors to a text file during processing.

    By : | 01-05-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 672

  • 589

    Zevrix Updates LinkOptimizer for InDesign: New Color Conversion Options

    Zevrix Solutions announces LinkOptimizer 4.5, a feature update to its popular workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign. Awarded 4 out of 5 stars by Computer Arts magazine, LinkOptimizer allows to reduce InDesign job size and speed up processing by eliminating excess image data, performing essential image adjustments and converting file formats. The new update adds the ability to convert image color space to an ICC profile space, with full control over how the conversion is done.

    By : | 12-22-2010 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 589

  • 664

    Zevrix Updates File Delivery Solution Deliver, Adds New Mail Options

    Zevrix Solutions announces Deliver 2.1, a feature update to its automated solution to send and share files easily across the Internet and local networks. Deliver lets users send files with e-mail notifications, compression, encryption and other powerful capabilities. It supports FTP, Amazon S3, MobileMe and other services, can send files to multiple destinations at once, and send output files directly from Adobe InDesign. The new update lets users add email recipients at delivery time.

    By : | 12-20-2010 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 664

  • 675

    Zevrix Updates BatchOutput Server for InDesign, Improves Hotfolder Setup

    Zevrix Solutions announces BatchOutput Server 4.6.3, a feature update to its output workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign. BatchOutput Server completely automates InDesign output workflow by processing files from hotfolders.

    By : | 12-14-2010 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 675

  • 690

    Zevrix Releases BatchOutput 3.9.10 for InDesign, Improves PDF Preflight

    Zevrix Solutions announces BatchOutput 3.9.10, a maintenance update to its popular professional solution to automate printing, exporting and post-processing from Adobe InDesign. Developed originally for a major ad agency in Canada, BatchOutput offers output as single pages, link auto-update, PDF preflighting, variable file names, file delivery and other workflow automation solutions. The new update improves PDF preflight options and offers enhanced support for multiple versions

    By : | 12-09-2010 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 690